Wishek parents have rallied to support and start a new pre-school program. Registration for students ages 4-5 is due at Wishek Public School July 28th. Mrs. Angel Kuntz will be teaching the two morning a week class. There is a lot of excitement around our community for pre-school and it is because of the parents who have rallied to fund raise and support this program for the next generation of students in Wishek.
Local volunteer and mom, Tammy Rohweder decided to take on directing a local play with kids ages 4 through grade 12. They are practicing and getting ready to perform "Bedbugs" for you and your family on August 7th at the Wishek School at 6:30PM. See the details below and we can't wait to have you join us.
All proceeds benefit the new pre-school program and your support is appreciated.
An advantage of living in Wishek is our strong community and the multiple generations that give back to support Wishek. We are truly thankful for this play, the parents, local children, Wishek School and all who have worked to make Wishek Pre-School a reality.
Bed bugs are one of the most irritating creatures on the planet. They are little insects that suck human blood for their survival. Though the commonly accepted is that they are too tiny to be seen, it's not entirely true. These insects often come to life in our homes at night, therefore making it all the more difficult for us to spot a bed bug infestation.bed bugs los angeles
ReplyDeleteWhy not give them as many years at home as possible? She will be 4 years old in April. Just want to know what you all think. Thanks!
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